
An Elite Training Experience!

We offer a unique training experience with unmatched bonuses to help your dog succeed and have FUN along the way!
Private Library

Full-length books!


Certificate & Ribbon!

Small classes

Only 4-8 dogs.

Class Album

Free photo downloads!

Practice Guide

Detailed, achievable goals!

Weekly newsletters

Structured for each class!


Handler Policy

A maximum of *TWO-HANDLERS* per dog are allowed in the facility.
Main Handler:
    • Must be 18+ and the dog’s owner.
    • Dogs cannot come to class without their main handler.
    • Required to attend orientation (NO dogs) and week 2 (with dogs).
    • Must be the same throughout the course- NO changing allowed.
    • 2 main handlers are permitted if they both meet these standards.
Secondary Handler:
  • Must be a household member.
  • Can change throughout the course.
  • Can handle a dog in class, with the main handler.
  • Puppy handlers must be 6y+ and 16y+ for Core Manners.
  • Secondary handlers are not required.

Class Flow Chart




Unsure about which course to enroll in or have questions before signing up? Schedule a consultation today!


Consultation includes:

  • Facility tour & meet our skilled trainer.
  • Thorough assessment of your dog.
  • Detailed outline of our training programs.
  • Learn training techniques to get immediate relief.
  • A training plan to achieve long-term objectives with the utmost success.
  • Detailed answers to all your inquiries about TTK9.

Foundation classes

Start here based on dog age.

Due to our highly advanced curriculum, a foundational class is mandatory for everyone new to our facility.


Our classes are uniquely distinct from any others. We will teach you how to use ethology, neurobiology, and psychology to train your individual dog efficiently.


Elite Puppy

Puppies 2-5 months. No prerequisites.


Puppy University

Puppies 5-7months. No prerequisites.


Core Manners

All dogs over 7 months. No prerequisites.


Private Training

Restricted. Current class participants only.


Advanced Obedience

We only schedule 1-3 of these classes at a time.
We have incredibly high standards for our trainers, and there's only so much they can do at once.


< Swipe to view all classes in each category >

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Advanced Obedience

Dogs over 6months. Some prerequisites.

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Rally Foundations

Dogs over 6mo. Some prerequisites.

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Rally Courses

Dogs over 6mo. Some prerequisites.

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Canine Good Citizen

Core Manners required.

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Several prerequisites

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Dog Sports

We only schedule 1-3 of these classes at a time.
We have incredibly high standards for our trainers, and there's only so much they can do at once.


< Swipe to view all classes in each category >

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Rally FrEe

Dogs over 6mo. Some prerequisites.

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Trick Dog

Dogs over 6mo. Some prerequisites.

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Ninja Doggo

Dogs over 6mo. No prerequisites.

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K9 Detection

Dogs over 8mo. No prerequisites.

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