Canine Good Citizen
- Ages: 7mo & up.
- Tuition: $---
- Prerequisites: 1) Core Manners grad. 2) All teams should be able to pass the evaluation without treats. 3) Provide photo evidence of you and your dog practicing obedience in a minimum of 3 dog-friendly stores.
- Contact your trainer to schedule a private evaluation.

Workshop Description
Workshop includes:
- Educational materials, including responsible dog ownership, city ordinances, and dog safety.
- Confidence building for owners & an outline for success during the evaluation (and beyond!).
- Structured warmups before testing, led by an AKC licensed evaluator and head-trainer at TTK9.
- Group & individual testing of all AKC CGC items.
- Individual evaluation results are given on paper for privacy.
- You receive a dog toy whether or not your dog passes. Evaluations are hard & you both deserve some fun for participating!
- Full-color certificate for teams that pass.
- Blue RIBBON for teams that pass.
- Photos, including originals, and digitally framed for teams that pass.
- Official paperwork to send into AKC if you choose to register and your dog pass.
What is Canine Good Citizen?
The Canine Good Citizen program ("CGC" for short) rewards good canine manners and teaches responsible dog ownership.
The CGC award is a prerequisite for many therapy dog groups. Some homeowners insurance programs or hotels offer discounts for CGC dogs, and an increasing number of apartments and condos see passing the CGC test as a major bonus for becoming a resident. The CGC title also enables you to join higher level programs at The Thinking K9!
Did you know?
It is recommended to re-title every 2 years to stay current because dogs and information changes.
CGC Evaluation Video
Caning Good Citizen Test Items
Test 1: Accepting a friendly stranger
The dog will allow a friendly stranger to approach it and speak to the handler in a natural, everyday situation.
Test 2: Sitting politely for petting
The dog will allow a friendly stranger to pet it while it is out with its handler.
Test 3: Appearance and grooming
The dog will welcome being groomed and examined and will permit someone, such as a veterinarian, groomer or friend of the owner, to do so.
Test 4: Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)
The handler/dog team will take a short “walk” to show that the dog is in control while walking on a leash.
Test 5: Walking through a crowd
The dog and handler walk around and pass close to several people (at least three) to demonstrate that the dog can move about politely in pedestrian trafic and is under control in public places.
Test 6: Sit and down on command and Staying in place
The dog will respond to the handler’s commands to 1) sit, 2) down and will 3) remain in the place commanded by the handler (sit or down position, whichever the handler prefers).
Test 7: Coming when called
The dog will come when called by the handler. The handler will walk 10 feet from the dog, turn to face the dog, and call the dog.
Test 8: Reaction to another dog
To demonstrate that the dog can behave politely around other dogs, two handlers and their dogs approach each other from a distance of about 20 feet, stop, shake hands and exchange pleasantries, and continue on for about 10 feet.
Test 9: Reaction to distraction
To demonstrate the dog is confident when faced with common distracting situations, the evaluator will select and present two distractions. Examples of distractions include dropping a chair, rolling a crate dolly past the dog, having a jogger run in front of the dog, or dropping a crutch or cane.
Test 10: Supervised separation
This test demonstrates that a dog can be left with a trusted person, if necessary, and will maintain training and good manners. Evaluators are encouraged to say something like, “Would you like me to watch your dog?” and then take hold of the dog’s leash. The owner will go out of sight for three minutes.